The great man is he who does not lose his child's heart. (Mencius, Chinese philosopher 372-289 BC)

Sunday, 25 November 2012

The Weekend Picture No. 28

The Signs of Spring do London. August 2012.
I have chosen this picture as this Weekend's Picture because, as the wind and the rain batter the UK, I think we all need a bit of cheering up.

Do you remember last August?

There were a couple of weeks in the middle of August when the weather was fantastic and when everybody was hungry to talk Olympics to each other.

In the slightly unreal period between the Olympics and the Paralympics we took the kids up to London to take in the sights and absorb some of the heady atmosphere of the city at the centre of the universe.

The girls took a break as we walked alongside the Thames on that balmy summer's evening and I took the opportunity to take this snap.

Just to remind us all that the summer in the UK was pretty fabulous this year.

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Sunday, 18 November 2012

The Weekend Picture No.27

So, that's what my house looks like!

I managed a rare feat on Friday.

I got home during daylight hours!

I am not very keen on the Autumn months because I leave for work before the sun comes up and I get home from work after the sun has had enough and gone down.

I find that as the weeks go by I have to try harder and harder to remember what the outside of my house looks like.

Hence my excitement on Friday when I got to leave work early and rolled into my driveway 3 hours before the dusk hit.

This weekend's picture is an artist's impression of Friday's excitement.

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PS This weekend's picture is by Ivan Gregg and can be found on

Sunday, 11 November 2012

The Weekend Picture No. 26

Jack Sadler. (c) BBC
At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month every year we remember the fallen from the conflicts that Great Britain has been involved in since the Armistice that signalled the end of World War One. Every year we are presented with statistics of how many have died and we watch lines of men and women marching through the streets of our towns and villages to pay tribute to their fallen comrades.

It can be overwhelming to relate into our own experience.

As a result, let me introduce Jack Sadler. Jack was killed in 2007 when a land mine exploded under his land rover as he drove through the deserts of southern Afghanistan. He is one of 437 British servicemen and women to have lost his life serving in that conflict.

All of them have a painful story to tell and Jack's story is told by his father, Ian Sadler, on the BBC News website. You can link to the Audio slideshow here. I strongly recommend it.

After watching the video you may want to click here to visit the Royal British Legion's website and support the work they do with service personnel past and present.

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Sunday, 4 November 2012

The Weekend Picture No. 25

Queens for a day

We have been on half term holidays this week and been on some great trips out.

Last Sunday we were making use of our Merlin passes and visiting Madame Tussauds and riding The London Eye.

On Thursday the Signs of Spring, my lovely wife and I were at Hampton Court to see the brand new replica of the Baddy King's (Henry VIII) coronation crown. And very impressive it is too. Although, not quite as impressive as the crowns the girls made during our visit.

It is amazing what you can do with some plastic gems, a handful of felt tips and a pritt stick.

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